Happy Thursday!
It was brought to my attention that my post didn't post. Alas, that's what I get for trying to get a little ahead by making titled/empty posts ahead of time, forgetting and making a new one, then deleting said new one and scheduling the old empty one. O..M..G! I need a vaca, which I'm getting in a week! Hopefully I will find my mind then! LOL
It's another crazy week around here! Lots going on. Been looking at new facilities for our dog while we are on vacation. Then, after the monumental deluge of rain we had last weekend/Monday, discovered a roof leak/water damage, roof buckling and now trying to get it fixed before we leave so we don't come home to our roof and attic sitting in our living room.
Today IS Thursday and so there is
a new challenge happening
4 Crafty Chicks!
Lori is our hostess this week
and she had decreed us to create gift card holders!
I perused Pinterest and Google and You Tube for something different to try for this challenge and found several tutorials for gift card purses ----
Here are some other photos of how it looks when open ---

(Note the Jersey Mike's GC used as my prop. Have to give a shout out to the son's biz. If you're in Chapel Hill, NC, JM at Farrington makes great subs! <wink wink>)
Check out the other Chicks' projects over at the Hen House. Some really fabulous gift card holders, just too too adorable!
Crafty Chick Blessings!